Tuesday, July 21, 2020

False testimony used for persecution

False testimony used for persecution.

Do you remember what happened to Jesus in this first coming? The Pharisees set up the false testimony against Jesus to persecute him. The Pharisees use their authority and money to make false testimony; they even bribed the guard who was watching over where Jesus was buried after being crucified.

It is no different in the times of Jesus’ second coming. The same evil spirits that dwell with the Pharisees are still dwelling people and persecute the messenger sent by God.

Lies and false testimony to interfere with God's work.

As the article says, true Christian who understands the true meaning of Bible will not persecute others.. Persecution, hate, enmity, judging and lies are all coming from the Satan. True Christians who follow the will of Jesus, love and forgive each other.

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